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PS5: New Beast Coming Soon !!

PS5 : Release date, launch games, and all about 

Play Station 5

 The PS5 is releasing in 2020, games, specs, more...

The PS5 is coming, and now we all know plenty more about it than ever before - including, finally, what it actually sounds like. seems it is a curvaceous beast that's visiting look quite striking underneath our TVs later this year. Although PS5 size comparisons supported hard drive size are suggesting it's quite the chonka, we're hopeful that it's visiting offer sufficient space for all its various cooling requirements.

Shown right at the tip of the longer term of Gaming stream, we need to see the PS5 design, a much better study the new controller, and lots of upcoming PS5 games. What we didn't get is a precise release date or price, but more on it later.

 The most important news about our new favorite console? Sony is offering two different versions, a typical model with an Ultra HD Blu-ray disk drive, and a digital model without disk drive.

 "With PlayStation 5, we are making a significant leap to deliver a truly new generation of transformative play experiences that will redefine expectations for what games can be," these word said by Jim Ryan, President, and CEO of SIE.

And so now, PS5 is going to direct competition with Xbox series x, that also coming in 2020.

PS5 Release Date:

The PS5 is going to release in late 2020. Because of COVID-19 it is not going to release at that time. Sony has not confirm the exact date but a new rumour says the PS5 will be released on 20th November, 2020.

PS5 Price:

Actually Sony has not confirmed the price of PS5. As we know there are two types of PS5 one is Standard edition and second one is Digital edition.

Also it’s going to be more expensive than PS4. The current price of PS4 is around Rs.25,000/- to Rs.30,000/-. So we can expect PS5 will be priced around Rs.40,000/- to Rs.50,000/- for Standard Edition and around Rs.5,000 extra for Digital Edition.

PS5 Specifications:

  •  CPU: AMD 8x Zen 2 cores 3.5GHz (variable frequency)

·      GPU: 10.28 TFLOPs, 36 CUs at 2.23GHz (variable frequency)

·      RAM: 16Gb GDDR6/256-bit

·      RAM Bandwidth: 448 GB/s

·      Internal Storage: Custom 825GB SSD

·      IO throughput: 5.5GB/s (raw), typical 8-9GB/s

·      Expandable to NVMe SSD slot

·      External Storage: USB HDD Support (PS4 games only)

·      Optical Drive: 4K UHD Blu-ray Drive


PS5 Controller:

As we know PS5 will come up with the all new controller which is called DualSense PS5 Controller. People are expecting that it will be called DualShock 5 but this time they changed controller name. The DualSense is also much similar to DualShock 4.

PS5 Accessories:

Also with PS5 shown in live stream Sony also releases complete game streaming system which includes below listed.

·      Pulse 3D Wireless Headphone

·      HD camera featuring dual 1080p lenses for streaming

·      DualSense charging station

PS5 Games: 

With the launch of PS5 new games also coming up with it. There are lots of new games coming up with PS5. These games are totally incredible and with high end graphics that is going more excitement for gamers.

Here is the list of PS5 upcoming and old games:

·      GTA V (2013)

·      Resident Evil Village (2021)

·      Horizon Forbidden West (2021)

·      Godfall (2020)

·      Spider-Man: Miles Morales(2020)

·      Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart

·      Bugsnax (2020)

·      NBA 2k21 (2020)

·      Deathloop (2020)

·      GhostWire: Tokyo (2021)

·      Oddworld: Soulstorm

·      Demon’s Soul

·      Solar Ash

These are the few games above listed and there are lots of more game to come up.

So finally that’s all about new upcoming Play Station 5. We are excited about release of PS5 and all new features of it.

Thank You…

-Manthan Bhavsar


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